Saturday, July 20, 2024

Friday July 19, 2024 -

     After several days of working on this special "bluebird house" I cut the copper for the roof.  It was a challenging job, but was able to get it finished.  I had to make a "metal break" from some old scraps of wood and it worked beautifully. 

A hot day, but less humid.  Much more pleasant than the past few days. 

Charlie and I took a walk in a different section of Bulle Rock this evening. We went around the "big pond" next to Bulle Rock Parkway.  

Connie and I were going to an Ironbirds baseball game this evening but Connie wasn't feeling up to it and I didn't want to go by myself.  So I stayed home and spent a relaxing evening. 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Thursday July 18, 2024

 Thursday July 18, 2024

    Just a word to say I'm still looking at this post option.  Still using WIX to post my daily journal stories. I like this format, however I've been using WIX for so long I don't want to do something new at this time. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Major update on "Old Dirt Farmer" blog

     I haven't written on this blog for several years.  I now live in Havre de Grace, Maryland in a gated community; Bulle Rock.  

    We moved here back in 2016.  July 6th was our official move-in date. 

    I post my journal on WIX, and have been doing that for several years.  Quite frankly I'd forgotten about this post.  

Sunday, January 29, 2012

BUCKET LIST or “The List” as compiled by Old Dirt Farmer

Date  is 2012 AD.  The age of this compiler is 66 years.  Since I’ve been challenged by Oldsters Toadstool to come up with a list of things I want to complete before my creator calls me to my eternal home, I’m somewhat overwhelmed as to where to start. Every item on  “The List” are events or wishes I would like to accomplish.  Maybe I should start with a doable few then move to  items that are absolutely challenging. So here goes…..not necessarily in an order of importance….


1.       Improve my golf game to always shoot in the 90’s or better

2.       Finish rebuilding the John Deere Model 40 S 1953 tractor

3.       Tour the Holy Lands

4.       Tour Ireland and Scotland – visit the Allman castle

5.       Live to see my grandchildren graduate from high school / college

6.       Whitewater raft the Gauley and New River in WV

7.       Go to Alaska and see the pipeline from end to end / and take an Alaskan cruise - not necessarily at the same time

8.       Climb the Southside of Mt St Helen and look over the edge of the crater at the “dome”

9.       Write a short story about growing up on a farm in West Virginia

10.   View the Grand Canyon from the North Rim and South Rim

11.   Visit and view Mount Rushmore

12.   Drive Pikes Peak

13.   Practice the piano for at least a half hour each day

14.   Spend at least one hour in the Word to include reading thru the Bible in a year again

15.   Write a daily journal of events big or small

16.   Sing in a gospel quartet

17.   Raise a few acres of alfalfa on the farm – sell to horse owners

18.   Kayak on the Susquehanna River with Brian Wessel

19.   Fly fish in a WV Mountain stream

20.   Build a hay barn to hold 1000 40 pound square bales

21.   Learn to SCUBA dive

22.   See Connie’s complete recovery from her RSD and paralysis

23.   Compile a DVD of Connie’s and my world travels

24.   Own a Corvette

25.   Visit the children and grandchildren more often

26.   Assist Amie with marketing her Architectural firm

27.   Assist Ginger with starting her own Gym

28.   Take flying lessons again – solo

29.   Build another house

30.   Vacation with the whole family somewhere – maybe the Outer Banks

31.   Visit the pyramids

32.   Go on a mission trip to Southern Appalachia

33.   Purchase beef calves in the spring and sell in the fall

34.   Bale and sell 3000 square bales of feed hay from the farm

35.   Facilitate a Bible Study for small group

36.   Have a bed and maybe breakfast on Rockford Mountain

37.   Relax

38.   Become a better Christian witness each day

39.   Learn to have more control over my temper

40.   Give encouraging words to those I encounter

41.   Strive to be a better salesman

42.   Lose 15 pounds this year

43.   Sell a million brick on one project

44.   Make the right decision in the upcoming Presidential election

45.   Try to accomplish a few of the above list

I’ve given considerable thought to the items on “The List”.  There are a few that are doable without doubt.  Others, well we’ll just have to wait and see. 

I took 100 as the base, subtracted 66 - my age - which gives me 34 items then added 11 to give a grand total of 45. 

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Well it's Christmas - 2011

I can't believe how quickly the year 2011 evaporated.  It seems like yesterday I was anticipating the arrival of the grand babies and children for an exciting time together as we gathered around the Christmas Tree to share in seeing what Santa dropped off.

This year is a 100% weather change from last  year.  Bright sunshine with temps in the 40's with no snow in sight.  Last year we had 5" snow with a new coating of about an inch on Christmas morning.  However, even though no snow the Christmas spirit glows among us.  Since the children are traveling from Fort Wayne it makes for easy travel.

I have procrastinated beyond belief with my blogging. I've been off the site since June.  Oldsters Toadstool reprimanded me for my laziness in his last blog.  Do I have an excuse - well maybe.  On July 20 the love of my life had a much needed surgery to correct a pain syndrome called RSD.  Upon coming out of the surgery she was paralyzed on her entire right side.  Further tests showed the possible reason for the paralysis was a problem call OPLL.  In everyday language this was stenosis in the cervical area pinching the spinal cord.  A second surgery was required on July 22.  Following the surgery five and a half weeks was spent at a rehab center learning to walk and regain the use of her hands and arms.  Here it is a little over five months later and recovery continues very slowly.  Pain still persists, but by the Grace of God improvement does carry on slowly.

Now back to Christmas.  Last night we went to our midnight candlelight service.  Our minister, in his sermon, brought the everyday rush and madness of the season into reality.  He kept asking "why are we here?".  The final answer was this - to come to the manger of the Christchild - a place to find "real" meaning in our lives.  As I continue to mature - I'm now in the mature years of my life - I'm convinced his message was "right-on".  I must confess the Christmas season does give me time to slow down and regroup. 

I'm anticipating good things for 2012.  I pray each day for God's healing grace on my bride of 45 years - yes 45 years on December 27th. 

I'm going to sign off for now.  I heard a cluttering sound out on the lawn - St. Nick must have arrived. I've tried to be good so I hope a small gift awaits.  The only gift I really want is complete recovery for my sweatheart.   Kids will be arriving in about 3 hours - so I better get cleaned up. 

Merry Christmas to all!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Old Dirt Farmer: Viet Nam Reunion - Fort Worth TX

Old Dirt Farmer: Viet Nam Reunion - Fort Worth TX: "I’d like to start this BLOG by saying, maybe it’s because I’m getting older, or maybe it’s because life takes on different meanings as the..."

Viet Nam Reunion - Fort Worth TX

I’d like to start this BLOG by saying,  maybe it’s because I’m getting older, or maybe it’s because life takes on different meanings as the result of growing older, I’m not sure, but no matter what the reason, it was the morning of July 4, 2010 when it suddenly hit me of how truly blessed I am.  Blessed because I was born in the greatest country in the entire world – the United States of America;  a country that God has blessed  along with this BLOG writer.
Anyway, as I sat and thought about my blessings I suddenly thought about the year I spent in South Viet Nam – 1969-1970.  I thought about how hard it was to leave my wife – nine months pregnant with our first child.   I remembered the trip to the airport and how I cried.  I cried because of the apprehension of going to a land ravaged by war – a very unpopular war, and I wondered if I’d ever see my child.  I asked God to be with me. This may have been a selfish wish, but I wanted to be able to return home safely and see my new baby. 
Now let’s fast forward.  I was one of the fortunate ones.  I made it there and back all in one piece.  However, as I continued to reminisce my thoughts took me back to the days of D-Troop First of the Tenth Cavalry and Pleiku South Viet Nam.  I decided to Google first of the 10th Cavalry.  I did and found a very complete web page.  Wow, suddenly I was there!  I could almost hear the “pop” of the rotor blades of the Cobras, Slicks, and LOHs.  Forty years melted.  I saw one of my buddies in a picture and decided to try and locate him – a guy from Kentucky.  Thank goodness for the advent of the computer and Google for I found Charlie and gave him a call.  There were several Charlies  (not to be confused with the Charlies of Viet-Nam – they were the enemy)  with the same last name but I took a chance and first one I dialed was the right one.  As a result of this call I was able to get a link to another website which had a list of the guys from D-Troop.  A few e-mails later I had made contact with some of the long forgotten group.   I was told about an upcoming reunion for the D-Troopers in the spring of 2011 in Fort Worth, TX. 
Several months passed, but I couldn’t stop thinking about the opportunity to go the reunion.  Forty years changes many things.  Would I recognize anyone?  Would anyone recognize me?  What will we talk about?  Well, I decided to go.  Connie worked diligently and found a good rate for airline tickets.  We purchased. 
Time flew and it was time to go to Dallas/Fort Worth.  We have friends that live north of Dallas in Plano.  They graciously allowed us to stay with them and even loaned us their car to drive to Fort Worth.  Thanks Josie and Tom.
Now to bring this BLOG to closure; seeing several of the guys I spent one of the most unforgettable years of my life with was quite amazing.  We all had changed – 41 years does that – but I recognized everyone with whom I worked.   Less hair, or white hair; bigger bellies – for most; but the same great gentlemen!!!  Would I do it again?  You bet!!
Captain Miller – thanks for my first ride in a Cobra and the very kinds words at the reunion.
Sgt.  Harry L Allman (armor)  – Cobra  tail #544 – 1969-1970 – D-Troop 1st 10th Cav. – Viet Nam